Friday, March 12, 2010

The Future of the Media # 81:Get Out Your Crystal Ball

Excercise 1. For now I pick Blu Ray as having the most influence. I'm not sure that people are ready or have the equipment for only live stream but that will probablry be the next mainstream development. 4G, that is the technology that will have a big impact on everyone next. We will be able to access email and computer data from our phones and that will be all we need. I think Sprint offers a 4G phone right now.

Excercise 2. No, I do not have to have every new gadget as it comes out. You will not find me standing in line to have the next big thing or pay an outrageous price for it. I just got a DVD player 2 years ago. I can remember when Television first came out and when we got our first set. I still read the newspaper everyday. I sure hope they don't disappear. I don't text but I don't know what we would do without our cell phones.

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