Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pot Luck #57 TXT UL8R-Texting

Excercise: My texting is limited. The information from iHCPL would defintitely be of help if I decide to increase my texting. I texted my son (so as not to embarass him)after his first sky dive to see if he made it. His response was"I'm alive and well." I would have to improve my text lingo if I spent more time texting and Lingo 2 Word would certainly help me. I don't think you shold text and drive. I think laws should be passed forbiding this. Daily, I am behind someone just talking on their cell phones and it does impede their driving ability, including myself. My husband's company requires them to stop driving to use their cell phones. I was beside a woman in a large SUV with a cattleguard attached to the front(another thing I'm not quite sure about)who was texting. I would not have wanted to make contact with her.