Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 10 # 23

My favorite discovery on this journey was creating an avatar. I especially enjoyed Meez. An unexpected outcome was how everyone joined together in these discoveries and helped one another. I think additional training programs like these would be a great addition to HCPL.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Week 9 # 22

I visited HCPL's digital site. There is an enormous amount of information available. Additional training on the eBranch might be helpful. I noticed some ebooks of interest in the Cooking and Food section. 365 Easy One Dish Meals by Natalie Haugton looked promising as did Stephanie Allen's 100 Assemble and Freeze Meals. I'm always looking for easier soulutions for dinner.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Week 9 # 21

I found an interesting podcast on Yahoo podcasts. It is What a Wonderful World by an award winning shadow puppet, Raymond Crowe, with music by Louis Armstrong. These were the 7th Annual Helpman Awards. I didn't know such an event exsisted.

Week 9 # 21

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Week 9 # 20

I found a video of my son's band on You Tube. He was on tour with his band in California. It was nice to see him and know he was OK at least four hours ago.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 8 # 19

Now I understand how some blogs are so elaborate. These are the tools they have been using. I guess there is a place for everything these days but once again too much information out there. If there were no other way to share information I could see how this could be useful or for sharing large files. Securely stored? I wonder.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 8 # 18

I checked out all of the social networking websites. The attraction has alway eluded me. I think this would be a great way to stay in touch with families that are spread out. I am concerned about the safety issues with sites such as MySpace.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 7 # 17

This is the age of technology. Just in my lifetime we have made enourmous leaps and bounds. Things change daily. I am learning more about computers everyday. This has been an interesting experience for me.

Week 7 #16

During this exercise I found most of the information on Wikipedia to be helpful. Wiki's would provide an additional source in the library to find the right book or additional information.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 6 # 15

Libraries won't be the same in the future. It's a time of inovation. The sharing of ideas through social computing is taking off and the amount of information out there is overwhelming.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6 # 14

I did an advanced search in Technorati. The results varied when I typed in Blog Posts, tags and Blog Directory. I am amazed at how much information and Blog sites are out there.

Week 6 # 13

I checked out the IHCPL account in Del.icio.us. It would be an effective tool for research. It would be an easy way to create bookmarks that can be accessed anywhere (i.e. recipes or personal data). I personally don't have much use for it as a social bookmarking manager.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5 #12

Elf. This would be a help if you aren't receiving the e-mails from HCPL. I am,therefore, I didn't sign up for this service. I did not want to give out my library card number.

Week 5 #11

I created a Library Thing account and posted five books. I think this would be a good source for discovering similar books of interest.

Week 5 #10

Thiis was lots of fun. I was attracted to the animation generators. I chose meez and put a link to it on my avatar.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 4 #9

I created a Blogline account. I found it easiest to click on feeds, then add then subscribe. I'm not much into copy paste. I decided to change my method of news retrieval by adding CNN.com to my Blogline account. I also added a feed to art news and some cartoon humor, Dilbert. I mostly went to feeds you could get to from Blogline.

Week 4 #8

I consider my self "Old School." I like reading the newspaper. I researched RSS and news feeds. I created an account on Bloglines and signed up for for assorted news feeds and Boingboing Blogline. I feel alot of this is for people who have an incredible amount of time on their hands. I checked out IHCPL Participant #73 otherwise known as Library Zen's link to andywarholizing your digital photos on bighugelabs.com/flickr/warholzer.php. It looked like a fun thing to do with your photos. I was able to get to this from my Flickr account. I viewed alot of the IHCPL photos on the website

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Week 3 #6

I liked Colorpicker. I have always been fascinated by color and I enjoyed the brillance of the colors in the photos at the click of a button.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

dog Week 3 #7

dog, originally uploaded by bgrattler.

I used Pixer to edit my photo. The most difficult thing was getting the picture to upload on pixer. I would have preferred some color but the negative image looked best.

Man's Best Friend: Week 3 # 5

Man's Best Friend, originally uploaded by bgrattler.

I found this etching I liked. I somehow managed to get this on flickr. Trial and error did it for me!

Friday, September 21, 2007