Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Future of Media # 80: Movies

Excercise 1. I tuned into Hulu to watch Seven Years in Tibet. I did not watch the entire movie yet I think this is something I would do under the right circumstances. I would prefer watching DVD's on my television but if I was on a plane or stuck somewhere to pass the time I could watch a movie on a computer. It was a good picture.

Excercise 2. I tried to watch the trailer for Diary of a Wimpy Kid on Apple Trailers but I had to download QuickTime so was unable to watch. I think this would be a great way to keep up with current films to watch the trailers on these websites although I did not recognize many of the films on this site.

Excercise 3. I would consider using Net Flix. My son used it and it seemed pretty simple to watch movies when you want and take as long as you want and not be penalized. The live streams would be OK but I don't think I'm ready for this. We have On Demand on our cable service and I've never used it. I never have the time. I am not the biggest movie fan. I think actors are way overpaid and consider themselves to important in our society. I mean really what do they really do? I think movies are hyped so much that when you do see them they really aren't that good.

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